» Power gaming can be defined in many ways.
» Main Definition:
A player who declares that their own action against another player is successful
without giving the other player's character the freedom to act on their own choice.
» GTA V Mechanics:
In a sense powergaming is a type of metagaming, because your character would not Know the mechanics of the game or even if you are in a game, and thus should not be Able to do things just because they are technically possible within the mechanics Of the game. Their decisions should be bound by their personality, their physical capabilities, and the knowledge they have gained within the roleplay scenario. Not by the mechanics or any other knowledge that you as a layer have access to, But your character doesn’t.
» Roleplay Commands:
Providing false or misleading information through the use of SBRP commands this includes, but not limited to both /me’s and /do’s and all other commands that are employed by SBRP Staff.
» Sub Definitions:
Forcing player to participate in unwanted roleplay, such as a player who describes his character as doing something with or to another character that would usually require the other to play along (such as a fight or sexual encounter or any (other scenario)
Forcing another character to think, feel or act a certain way by some action onyour part.
The act of forcing an action or situation on a player without allowing them to roleplay their own actions, response, or allowing them to roleplay against the actions, situations, scenarios that has been forced upon them or have otherwise found themselves in.
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